Tuesday 3 May 2016


OK folks, just a quick blog post on what i got up to this weekend. Here in Ireland it was the bloody may bank holiday weekend. I finished up work on Friday and didn't have to go back to work until today...... YAYS ALL ROUND. I had lots and lots of plans for this weekend seems as it was the old one in weeks me and the boyfriend had off together. BUT, things didn't turn out that way. Well some of it i got to do, which was on Saturday i got to finally use my tickets for 'Guys and Dolls' that i received as a gift for Christmas. Being the big cultured bastards that we are, me and the boyfriend usually always go to a musical at least once or twice a year. Maybe 3 times if on holidays in New York. This was also a perfect choice as I've always loved old fashioned movies ever since i was a fat, chubby child. The musical was on in the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, which may i say is very beautiful. It's truly amazing to see a show down where your surrounding area is the docklands. I highly recommend anyone to go catch a show there..... just make it a good one. Guys and Dolls was absolutely amazing and I'm pretty sure there is still shows happening. SO like i said above my weekend didn't go as planned due to me getting a vomiting bug Saturday night after the show. I was bed ridden all of Sunday and Monday i wasn't much better if I'm honest. I was planning on getting a lot more pics of diff outfits but all didn't go as planned. Oh well, always next time.
 Anyways onto the important bit .... the outfit. I always think of a night at the theatre outfit to be a big, glamorous ball gown. Not for this gal. I stayed truer to me roots than ever and went with an all black outfit, with a touch of funk added bu leopard print boots. I thought i was honestly gonna get a lot of glaring '' wtf is that'' looks, but none that i noticed. I think I've grown an awful lot since last year and i just don't have time for bullshit no more. I'm here on this earth for me and my loved ones ...... not people who suck out any emotion your having at the time they approach and make your life like theirs dull. Nope I'm not about that life. 


Leather jacket // Nine crows 
Tshirt // Hippie Shop (liffey st)
Culottes // Topshop
Boots // Topshop
Backpack // Nine crows 

Accessories & Details:

Hope you all really like outfit. Here's a few pics i took on the night , didn't get alot due to darkness falling haha and being in at the show haha.
Well that's another blog post for now guys.Any ideas on what i should blog about next, hit me up on this in the comment box below or comment on my insta( link below)