Saturday 25 April 2015



tropical shirt // beyond retro
zebra leggings // ebay
leather jacket // ninecrows 
boots // korkys 
earrings // handmade by me
gold chain // ninecrows

OK, so lets get down to the outfit details. Lets start with why i choose the ultimate clash of prints, usually I'm a very straight forward rock t-shirt, leather jacket and tights kinda gal but i thought I'd change it up for once. Clash of prints looks amazing on models or the ultra skinny girls walking about. Seems as I'm neither i didn't think this would work, but as the pics above prove it does. Today was date day with my boyfriend and as we were going the cinema to see the avengers and stuff my face i thought i best wear something comfortable YET stylish and i think i hit the nail on the head. The shirt i bought in beyond retro like 2 years ago and is one of my favourite over sized vintage shirts. Beyond retro is like a vintage mecca for me and no matter what i always leave the shop with something. I just absolutely love this colour yellow and its perfect for the style i was wanting to create. The trousers were an impulse buy off ebay. I literally didn't no what i was getting when i ordered these. When they came they were a bit of a disappointment but they did the job anyways. 

Now to my favourite parts of my outfit , the boots, the jacket and the chain. Both the chain and the jacket are from the best vintage shop in Dublin, Ninecrows . Anyone who is into vintage or reworked items needs to get into this place. The leather jacket was a pricey investment but as i stated it was and investment. This jacket goes with anything PERFECTLY. The gold chain was something i seen last week when in the shop at the time i hadn't got the money to purchase so it was just my luck to go back in this week and it was still there. I'm not really into gold that much but i had to have this as i think its a timeless piece and again would go with anything. Now THE BOOTS, black, double souled , leather perfection what more could a girl ask for. I know its coming into summer and everyone is jumping on this seasons must have sandals but not me , i love a good boot during the summer, specially here in sunny (sarcasm) Dublin. To think as well because boots like this are in sale due to being '' last season'' i got them for 20e in Korkys.

Overall i was pretty happy with my outfit and wanted to share it you folks. Just goes to show just cause you think something might not suit you doesn't mean it won't. Finally starting to get back to feeling comfortable in my own body and starting to take risks again and i encourage every single one of you to too. Hope you folks enjoyed  my 2nd ever blog post and if you want me to post about something just let me know :)

PS: the cutest pics i seen in my life , i hope to be one of those stylish Granny's one day

Over and out ,

Jen x